• Question: Why do you want to go to Ethiopia?

    Asked by youngee to James on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: James Jennings

      James Jennings answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I would go to Ethiopia to communicate science with the younger people, just as I am in this event. The future of the country depends on the young people (just as it does in UK!) so if I can help get them interested in science, they can go on to be good scientists and come up with solutions to the problems that face Ethiopia. Many of the problems could be solved by technology- clean water supplies and renewable sources of energy, for example.

      It is really important that we use science for the improvement of technology all around the world, not just in our home country. A country like Ethiopia is one which is known as a “developing country”. It still has issues with poverty and poor quality of life, though that is starting to change. With the help of science and technology, and help from outside, the country can grow and improve more.

      Scientists are always looking for solutions to the worlds problems. So if this sounds like your sort of thing, you too could be a scientist!
