• Question: what would winning mean to you? :) ;) xxxxxx

    Asked by mulvey69x to Jo, James, Barbara, Andy, Alice JB on 10 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by budbud.
    • Photo: Alice Jones Bartoli

      Alice Jones Bartoli answered on 10 Jun 2011:

      This feels totally like x factor…
      Winning would be brilliant, like it would be for all of us.

      Winning would mean that I can start up the ‘brilliant brains’ programme, bringing brain science into schools and other public places. I *really* want to set this up, to show people what brains are, and all the cool things that they do for us.

      I think Psychology sometimes gets a bit of a rough deal, people don’t always think of it as being a proper ‘science’, but I really want to show people what psychology and neuroscience can do.

    • Photo: Andy Norton

      Andy Norton answered on 10 Jun 2011:

      Winning this event would be great! I’d really like to take Materials science to the schools and clubs around Oxford, and show people all the cool things that Materials can do (like making silly putty and testing its properties, making things float using liquid nitrogen and superconductors, playing with plasticine with sand it to try and understand how and why steel is important). I never really got taught much about it when I was at school, and it was only at Uni that I realised how interesting, important, and fun it can be – and I want to share all of these things with people like you!

      However, I think that if people get interesting and keen about science because of this, and I helped make that happen in any way possible, then I’ll feel like a winner even if I don’t win 🙂

    • Photo: Barbara Guinn

      Barbara Guinn answered on 10 Jun 2011:

      I would be really super excited. It would mean alot to the University I work for and for me personally. It would mean that you like the way I communicate about science and that would be a huge compliment. Of course I’d also have the money to buy glossy brochures for the Luton Science Fair and that would be great too. My family would be very proud of me, and wanting that doesn’t change no matter how old you get 🙂
