• Question: what was your work like when you started?

    Asked by darkwisher to Barbara, Andy on 24 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Andy Norton

      Andy Norton answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      Heya darkwisher.

      When I started my current job (which was almost two years ago), it took a while to start doing experiments. There is always a bit of reading about the subject before you start these things – you have to see what other people have done before, work out what might have worked/gone wrong with other people, work out what sort of experiment you want to do. So my first few months were spent looking into my material, making different samples to do practice tests on, and reading around.

      However, it doesn’t take too long before you start doing some proper experiments and start getting some really cool results! It’s a really lovely, great feeling when, after those months of reading and working out what you are doing, you then do an experiment for the first time and get some interesting data! That’s why I love science, really – I love that feeling of doing some experiment and then get all excited and happy about the results!

      Does that answer your question?

    • Photo: Barbara Guinn

      Barbara Guinn answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      Hi. My first job was my PhD. I was working in Cardiff and we were looking for mutated genes in leukaemia cells. My 2nd job was in Toronto and we were trying to modify bone marrow cells to make factor IX to help patients with haemophilia. I loved both jobs. Exciting, varied and hard-work!
