• Question: r u looking ford to wining

    Asked by rivett to Alice JB, Andy, Barbara, James, Jo on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Andy Norton

      Andy Norton answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I don’t know if I am going to win, but winning this event would be great! I’d really like to take Materials science to the schools and clubs around Oxford, and show people all the cool things that Materials can do (like making silly putty and testing its properties, making things float using liquid nitrogen and superconductors, playing with plasticine with sand it to try and understand how and why steel is important). I never really got taught much about it when I was at school, and it was only at Uni that I realised how interesting, important, and fun it can be – and I want to share all of these things with people like you!

      However, I think that if people get interesting and keen about science because of this, and I helped make that happen in any way possible, then I’ll feel like a winner even if I don’t win 🙂

    • Photo: Barbara Guinn

      Barbara Guinn answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I am trying not to get too hopeful. It is still a way to go trying to answer questions each day, so I’ll keep my fingers-crossed. If someone else wins I’ll be happy for them, as whoever wins will do something good with the money and that’s the point.

    • Photo: Alice Jones Bartoli

      Alice Jones Bartoli answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I’m happy to be taking part… I wasn’t any sort of scientist at school, and it’s interesting for me to come back to school in this way to talk about science – this wasn’t something I expected to do when I was 15.

      It’s brilliant to hear about other scientists’ exciting lives and jobs, and it’s brilliant that there are so many good plans to work with students when the event is over. I’d love for my work to be part of that (so that’s why I’d like to win).
