• Question: I tried smashing plates at home, i dropped them out of my bedroom window then when my mum came home she got annoyed because they were her nice ones for special occacions then she made me superglue them back together is there any other experements that i can do?

    Asked by jakepearl to Andy on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Andy Norton

      Andy Norton answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Did you really do that, or are you joking?!

      I’m not sure that I know any experiments for your Mum’s nice plates (and if I did, I don’t think that your Mum would like me suggesting them!). What sort of things would you like to find out about plates and how they smash? I’ll try and think of some ideas if you let me know what sort of thing you are interested in finding out.
