• Question: how long have you been a scientist??

    Asked by louiseashbash to Alice JB, Andy, Barbara, James, Jo on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Barbara Guinn

      Barbara Guinn answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I started my PhD (went to Cardiff University) in 1991 so I think that’s when I became a scientist.

    • Photo: Andy Norton

      Andy Norton answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Well, does being at school count? If not, and if we count just from doing science at Uni, then probably 6 years. In terms of doing experiments full time (not doing lectures and exams is what I mean), then around 2 years. 🙂

    • Photo: Alice Jones Bartoli

      Alice Jones Bartoli answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I also went to Cardiff (in 1999) to start my degree in Psychology – that was the first time I realised that I could be any sort of scientist, so I’m going to say then – so 12 years. That sounds like ages, but really, really, it doesn’t feel like it!

    • Photo: James Jennings

      James Jennings answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I would say that I began to be a scientist in the last year of my first degree- so that was 3 years ago! Before that I was just learning science and wasn’t sure if I would want to do it as a job. I made the decision to follow science then, and I think it was the right one. Here’s hoping I will be a scientist for a long time into the future!
